Alice H. Morgan
Alice H. Morgan, M.D., Ph.D. practices general otolaryngology in Cullman, Alabama with emphasis on the diagnosis and management of allergies, sinus disease, etc. She treats skin cancer, facial lacerations and fractures. Pediatrics and elderly hearing evaluation and fitting of hearing aids. Dr. Morgan is board certified by The American Academy of Otolaryngology and is a fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy. She is a past president of the Alabama Otolaryngology Head and Neck Society and serves on that board as public relations representative for Alabama. She is a member of the Alabama Medical Association, Medical Association of Alabama, Cullman County Medical Society, American Rhinologic Society and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Cullman. She chairs on several hospital committees such as Cullman Regional Medical Center. Educational training in anatomy, a BS and MS from Auburn University and a Ph.D. in anatomy. Her MD and residency in Otolaryngology was acquired at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.